Technipes bagging machine hermetically packs micronized glass at Potters Ballotini Ltd.

How do you hermetically package ground glass powder and granulates with just one type of bag and with just one bagging machine? We searched for and found the right customised solution for the international company Potters Ballotini Ltd.  

Potters Ballotini Ltd. specialises in powders and granulates made from ground or micronized glass. These powders are used in applications such as road markings, abrasives or metal polishing products. 

This international company was packing their powders with a twenty-year-old machine. Filled bags were folded, sewn and partially sealed. But these bags were never completely sealed. Therefore, the company was looking for a new type of packaging and a flexible bagging system. And that is how they found us. 


Rounds of testing in search of the right packaging method 

Together with Potters Ballotini Ltd., we went through several rounds of testing in our search for the right bag and a high-quality seal. An open-mouth, paper bag with a plastic inliner and double sealing turned out to be the best option. 

The powders and granulates are packed using a Technipes Futura bagging machine with double sealing. Because the installation packs granulates and powders, we equipped it with both valve dosing for the granulates and screw dosing for the fine powders. 


Bagging machine operation 

First, the filled bags are cleaned at the location of the seal so that no residual product remains. Then, the bag is sealed for the first time using heat bars, which results in a ribbed seal about two centimetres wide.  

The company also wanted to be able to pack different quantities into one bag size, while ensuring that all the bags could be stacked easily and efficiently. For that reason, the second seal is adjustable in height and is applied according to the bag’s filling quantity. 

The end result is a sturdy bag that is hermetically sealed and easy to stack. 

A customized solution, with Ausloos. 

Whatever your product or specific situation is, we always look for a packaging solution that does what it needs to do perfectly. 

Not sure what the best solution is for you? Complete our simulation tool, and we will guide you to a customized solution. Click here to go to our simulation tool. 


Machines used in this installation: 

– Technipes Futura bagging machine with double sealing and valve and screw dosing

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